Thursday, June 3, 2010

We Wait

We did not make it to Hamilton. Elvin is too sick to be transported. He has a lung infection.

I am home and emotionally exhausted. When we went to his room in ICU, ...he was moved there as of this morning at 3 AM, we were told he had had a bad night. There was a cool, wet,white wash cloth on his forehead as he has a high fever, and an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and his breathing was laboured. It remained laboured all day with his heart rate bouncing from 103 to 120. I stood and willed those numbers to change and prayed for God's intervention, ... and they remained the same. I could not stop the tears.

This is a strong man, ... strong of heart and strong of character. It is wrong to see him this way, ... I want to breath for him,... to give his heart a rest

His 4 sons were there to-day, ... they each were shocked, and devastated to see their father so vulnerable. There were tears. He told them each he loved them and to them this meant he was saying good-bye. I don't feel this way yet as at one point he asked me, "How long will I be here?" These are the words of someone still fighting.

Antibiotics were ordered from the hospital pharmacy at 10:30 AM, ... they arrived 3 hours later. That is too long a wait for a very ill 77 year old man with fluid on his lungs and severe coronary artery problems, ... but the NHS and the LHIN will not hear this. BUT, ... they are going to hear it!!!!! Somehow they have to stop pouring our money into a Mega Hospital and take care of the people left behind. This is one concern of my husband's doctor in the hospital, that so much money will be spent on the new St. Catharines P3 hospital that there will be none left to fund the 3 remaining ones that are just limping along now.

There is so much more to say, but this has been another very hard day and I am very tired once again.

Elvin's second son called me on his way home to Stouffville at 7:30 after visiting his Dad once more to-day, ... he had a very hard time talking through tears, ... he has very bad feelings about his Dad's survival. I did my best to reassure him and will call him tomorrow. I hope I have very good news.

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